In 2003, the Ministry of Post and Telematics (now, Ministry of Information and Communications) assigned Viet Nam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) carrying out the contruction, operation, management Viet Nam National Internet eXchange (VNIX) system. VNIX is non-profit towards improving the quality, safety of Internet connections in Viet Nam..
After the success of "VNIX Network Operators Group Conference 2016" (VNIX-NOG 2016), to enhace the management role, cooperation and promote development for the technical staff to manage and operatore network, in 2017, VNNIC continued to hold an event "VNIX Network Operators Group Conference 2017" (VNIX-NOG 2017).
The conference will be held on 25 August, 2017 at Saigon Prince Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam under the lead of VNNIC and the participations of experts from international organizations (ISOC, APNIC), some functional units of the Ministry of Information and Communications, Viet Nam Internet Association, leaders and technical staff of VNIX members. The conference focuse about the relevant professional content such as cooperation in management, commissioning, troubleshooting, promoting the development of connections, traffic exchange between members connected to VNIX and Viet Nam Internet.